Eve Woods is Curator/Programme Producer at Pallas Projects where she has worked in various roles since 2016. She has led on the Artist-Initiated Projects since 2019, and special projects including; curating ‘Dubliners Reel’ at the 6th Biennial of Painting, Zagreb 2021; Ark Life workshop programme & exhibition with artist Celina Muldoon funded by the Arts Council Commission Award 2021; Irish Art Now: Contemporary Art Auction in support of PP/S 2019; Nasty Women Dublin 2017; & PP/S 20 Year Benefit Auction 2016. She has also worked as Visiting Lecturer – Strategies for publicising cultural events – Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology, 2021; Producer at Science Gallery Dublin (SGD) where she represented SGD at EXPERIMENTA, la Biennale Arts Sciences 2020 as part of the European Artificial Intelligence Lab; and Green on Red Gallery Dublin where she assisted at international art fairs including VOLTA NY, 2017. Education includes Situations: Art in the Contemporary World, Creative Futures Academy, 2022; Expanding Exhibitions: Innovative Approaches to Curating, Node Center 2021; Sponsorship Seminar, Business To Arts, 2016; BSc. Digital Technology & Design 1:1, Dublin Institute of Technology/Digital Skills Academy 2016; MA. in Visual Arts Practices, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology, 2014; BA. (Hons) in Fine Art (Painting) 2:1, Centre for Creative Arts & Media, Galway, 2012.
Luja Šimunović graduated art history and comparative literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb. She works as an independent curator and assistant at the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb. As an independent curator, she has been active on the cultural scene since 2015, when she works in an organization dedicated to the intersection of science and art, KONTEJNER, where she works as a curator and project manager of artistic and educational programs until 2021. She is the editor of a publication that explores the theoretical and practical implications of collecting, digitizing and archiving bio-art, published in 2022 on the occasion of the European Archive project. From 2016, she was part of the Organ Vida team, where she worked as an exhibition coordinator and curator, until 2019, when she became part of the curatorial collective of organizations and festivals until 2021. She founded the independent organization and curatorial collective KUĆĆA in 2021 with Jurica Mlinarec and Klara Petrović. With the collective, he curates the 36th youth salon (HDLU, 2022) on the theme PARASITES, the 63rd Poreč annals entitled “They told me that the planet has nerve endings” and leads the experimental residential project LIVING ROOM. She is the winner of the Special Rector’s Award for participation in the Wikipedia project, the Franjo Marković Award of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for founding the cultural portal Kulturflux, and the Iso Kršnjavi Award for the best graduation thesis from the Department of Art History. She collaborated with cultural portals (Vizkultura, Muf), and was published in INSAM Journal, Croatian Film Chronicle and Journal.
15.01.2024/ 19:00
Ul. Rudolfa Kolaka 12

Eve Woods, the first resident curator in Zagreb, will share an overview of programming from Pallas Projects (Dublin) with a focus on environmental artists and presentations including special commission Ark Life and select artists from the annual gallery programme Artist-Initiated Projects and Periodical Review. Presented artists often work through a feminist, anti-aesthetic.
After the introductory lecture, there will be a talk with Luja Šimunović, an assistant at the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
The AFAR Network project is co-funded by the European Union: ”Views and opionions expressed are however those of the autohor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsable for them.”