Shadhin Kamruzzaman

Kamruzzaman Shadhin (b. 1974) is based in Dhaka and Thakurgaon, Bangladesh, Kamruzzaman Shadhin’s participatory practice incorporates installation, performance, video, and public art interventions exploring themes of migration, environment, and history. Shadhin’s work is shaped by his interactions with the people and communities he collaborates with, as well as his research of the materials he uses in his process. A deep interest in the community traditions in Bengal region and their connection with geopolitics, ecology and colonial history has become a major part of his artistic research and journey. He is the founder of the Gidree Bawlee Foundation of Arts, an organization focused on social practice and community art based in the village of Balia in Thakurgao

Maramureș Residency

20 June – 20 July

Adelina Ivan
Artists for Artists Residency Network (AFAR) is an EU co-funded and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, project and residency program, aiming to improve the mobility of contemporary visual artists and curators in Romania, Germany, Croatia, and Austria. The project is led by the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art (ARAC) with its three consortium partners – Goethe Institute Network, Croatian Association of Fine Artists, and Künstlerhaus Vienna.

The AFAR Network project is co-funded by the European Union: ”Views and opionions expressed are however those of the autohor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsable for them.”