Željko Beljan

Željko Beljan (Croatia, Zagreb) graduated from the Department of Animated Film and New Media at the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts in 2021. Delving into the phenomenon of handicraft and its role in contemporary art practices, he explores textile and craftwork techniques as artistic media. Beljan also researches the connections between manual labor and amateur or hobbyist sports while encouraging audience participation in artwork creation. He was a finalist of the Radoslav Putar Award in 2023 and a WHW Akademija alumnus of 2022. Since 2011, Beljan has actively contributed to group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad, alongside realizing several solo exhibitions.

Maramureș Residency

20 June – 20 July

Adelina Ivan
Artists for Artists Residency Network (AFAR) is an EU co-funded and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, project and residency program, aiming to improve the mobility of contemporary visual artists and curators in Romania, Germany, Croatia, and Austria. The project is led by the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art (ARAC) with its three consortium partners – Goethe Institute Network, Croatian Association of Fine Artists, and Künstlerhaus Vienna.

The AFAR Network project is co-funded by the European Union: ”Views and opionions expressed are however those of the autohor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsable for them.”